"The Sanctuary"
"The Sanctuary"

30x40 Canvas

Drawings on metallic momigami, unryuand and lokta paper. Neutral pH adhesive, acrylic paint, colored pencil.

"Scene From The Path"
"Scene From The Path"

24x30 Canvas

Thai banana paper, glued with Neutral pH adhesive, molotow marker, acrylic paint and colored pencil.

"The Hard Subconscious"
"The Hard Subconscious"

24x30 Canvas

Acrylic paint, colored pencil, molotow marker.

"Rock Arch In The Sun"
"Rock Arch In The Sun"

20x24 Canvas

Acrylic paint, colored pencil, molotow marker.

"The Sanctuary"
"Scene From The Path"
"The Hard Subconscious"
"Rock Arch In The Sun"
"The Sanctuary"

30x40 Canvas

Drawings on metallic momigami, unryuand and lokta paper. Neutral pH adhesive, acrylic paint, colored pencil.

"Scene From The Path"

24x30 Canvas

Thai banana paper, glued with Neutral pH adhesive, molotow marker, acrylic paint and colored pencil.

"The Hard Subconscious"

24x30 Canvas

Acrylic paint, colored pencil, molotow marker.

"Rock Arch In The Sun"

20x24 Canvas

Acrylic paint, colored pencil, molotow marker.

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